Please observe a few simple rules when using your online banking service. This will enable you to protect your account from unauthorised access.
Never enter your PIN and TAN for “test transfers” or other “tests”.
Fraudsters often try to exploit human qualities such as readiness to help, trust or fear. Their aim is to spy out your online banking data (login name/legitimation ID, PIN or TAN) – this usually happens directly after logging into your online banking.
You are then requested to enter a TAN to
Please Note: A TAN stolen by these means can result in an unauthorised debit being made from your account.
Similar to confidence tricksters, fraudsters often simulate a personal acquaintance or special circumstances. By making phone calls or sending messages (email, SMS, MMS, etc.), their aim is to prompt you to disclose confidential information (such as IBAN, PIN, TAN and credit card information) or to trick you into opening files or installing programs on your computer.
You can find more helpful information on the subject of “Social Engineering” on the pages of the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Federal Office for Information Security).
Further helpful information on the subject of "Social Engineering" can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Information Security.